Monday, November 17, 2014

Detox Bath

Well, despite my best attempt, the Goose, the Bear and Me are all sick with a pretty nasty cold. I had every intention of doing a MUCH more interesting post, but with all kinds of germs going around I thought I would talk about a detox bath instead. Sidenote: I also have a post about oil pulling and the magic of coconut oil!

Admittedly, I'm pretty new to the detox bath. I saw it on Pinterest and I've seen a few different variations, and I tried a fairly simple one. Epsom Salts and Baking Soda. Is it the miracle that people claim it is? Eh, probably not, but it does make a difference! 

I used about 2 cups of Epsom Salts and 1 cup of Baking Soda. I totally eyeballed it. You need to sit in the hottest water you can stand for about 20 minutes. I usually take a bottle of water in with me, they say to drink plenty before and after, and that this will help draw out toxins and can help fight a cold/flu. Afterwards rinse off in cooler water. 

I have done this quite a few times. I always do it in the evening because I get out of the bath feeling like cooked spaghetti and I always sleep great afterward! There are a lot of claims about it from sunburns to flu to hangovers. I can't weigh in on all that but I can tell you that it definatly helps me feel better if I'm sick (or to sleep better so I can fight it off!) and it is nice even when I'm not sick. 

So wash your hands often, and if you get sick try this! (And follow any advice from your doctor! I'm not a medical professional, and I'm not claiming to be!)


  1. Great Tips. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Awesome Posts!
